Car customs clearance in Armenia
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Table of contents:
- 1. What does it mean to clear a car?
- 2. What are the payments?
- 3. The cost of customs clearance for cars imported from Russia
- 4. Cost of customs clearance for cars imported from Georgia
- 5. Is customs clearance required for electric vehicles?
- 6. Do you need customs clearance for mopeds, motorcycles, scooters?
- 7. Information sources:
What does it mean to clear a car?
The very concept of customs clearance implies payment for customs clearance, duty and disposal fee. Each of them is based on certain parameters of the car - its cost, year of manufacture and engine size.
What are the payments?
customs duty - a mandatory payment to the state budget, which is collected by the customs authorities for goods when crossing the border.
Paid in Armenia? No, if the car is imported into the territory of Armenia from the member countries of the EAEU (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan).
Ecological fee - this is a fee to the state budget for environmental protection measures, a kind of compensation for the use of a car in the country, since a car is a source of environmental pollution
Paid in Armenia? Yes.
Value Added Tax (VAT) is a tax levied on the state budget. The amount of the tax depends on the difference between the purchase/production cost and the sale price.
Paid in Armenia? Yes.
Paid in Armenia? No, if the car is imported into the territory of Armenia from the member countries of the EAEU (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan).
Ecological fee - this is a fee to the state budget for environmental protection measures, a kind of compensation for the use of a car in the country, since a car is a source of environmental pollution
Paid in Armenia? Yes.
Value Added Tax (VAT) is a tax levied on the state budget. The amount of the tax depends on the difference between the purchase/production cost and the sale price.
Paid in Armenia? Yes.
The cost of customs clearance for cars imported from Russia
Armenia is a member of the Eurasian Economic Union. Since 2020, it has been applying the EAEU rates for customs clearance of cars. Since all payments depend on many factors (the year of manufacture of the car, the type and power of the engine, the cost of the car), it is impossible to unambiguously answer the question about the cost of customs clearance. To calculate customs duty, environmental tax and VAT, you can use special calculator.
Armenia and Russia have a common customs territory where common customs rules apply. When moving a car between the member countries of the EAEU, customs duty is not charged. Thus, when importing a vehicle from Russia to Armenia, customs clearance for individuals is considered to be the payment of an environmental fee and VAT.
Accordingly, there are similar customs clearance conditions for the import of vehicles from Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan into Armenia.
Armenia and Russia have a common customs territory where common customs rules apply. When moving a car between the member countries of the EAEU, customs duty is not charged. Thus, when importing a vehicle from Russia to Armenia, customs clearance for individuals is considered to be the payment of an environmental fee and VAT.
Accordingly, there are similar customs clearance conditions for the import of vehicles from Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan into Armenia.
Cost of customs clearance for cars imported from Georgia
Georgia is not part of the EAEU. For the countries of the Union, Georgia is considered a third country; there are no benefits for it. To import a car from Georgia to Armenia, you need to pay all customs fees established by the EAEU for third countries.
On the website of the RA Customs Service, you can find payment calculation calculator for the importation into the territory of Armenia of cars from countries that are not members of the EAEU. The site is available in three languages - Russian, Armenian and English.
The calculation of fees is not final, since the customs value also includes additional costs (transportation, insurance, loading, unloading, fuel, parking fees and other costs) that are paid before crossing the border. The exact amount of payments will be determined directly upon crossing the RA border.
On the website of the RA Customs Service, you can find payment calculation calculator for the importation into the territory of Armenia of cars from countries that are not members of the EAEU. The site is available in three languages - Russian, Armenian and English.
The calculation of fees is not final, since the customs value also includes additional costs (transportation, insurance, loading, unloading, fuel, parking fees and other costs) that are paid before crossing the border. The exact amount of payments will be determined directly upon crossing the RA border.
Is customs clearance required for electric vehicles?
Until the end of 2023, there is a benefit - electric vehicles imported into Armenia from other countries do not require payment of customs duties and VAT, unless they are resold to citizens or residents of Russia. In this case, motorcycles and bicycles with an electric motor are also equated to electric vehicles.
A preferential quota of 6,400 vehicles has been set for 2023, and 8,000 vehicles for 2024. After the quota for the benefit has been exhausted, the customs authority can no longer provide this tariff benefit. The customs duty rate will be 15% of the customs value. To receive benefits, the buyer of the car must submit a customs declaration.
A preferential quota of 6,400 vehicles has been set for 2023, and 8,000 vehicles for 2024. After the quota for the benefit has been exhausted, the customs authority can no longer provide this tariff benefit. The customs duty rate will be 15% of the customs value. To receive benefits, the buyer of the car must submit a customs declaration.
Do you need customs clearance for mopeds, motorcycles, scooters?
Yes, it's needed. The same rules apply as for customs clearance of a car. If the vehicle moves through the territory of the EAEU, the customs duty is not paid. In other cases - according to the tariffs of the EAEU.
Information sources:
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