Cards, transfers, currency exchanges
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How to transfer money from the Republic of Armenia to the Russian Federation?
With the help of ArCa-MIR and SPFS, it will not be difficult to transfer money from one account to a...
How to transfer rubles to an account in Armenia?
An alternative to SWIFT transfer is an interbank transfer. It can be made from any Russian bank, but...
Opening an account and a card in an Armenian bank
We called and visited the offices of all 18 Armenian banks, studied the recommendations
How to get paid for foreign projects in Armenia?
Do you cooperate with foreign clients and want to receive payment for orders to the Armenian account...
Do Russian cards and MIR card work in Armenia in 2023?
We have collected key questions and answers on actions with a Russian card in Armenia.Most shops...
Where to change money in Armenia?
We will tell you where to go to exchange rubles for drams or rubles for dollars and euros.Only d...
Digital cards: where to open and how much they cost
We tell you how to get a virtual card in Armenia for Russians.We analyzed banking sites and found ou...
Commission for withdrawing money from the MIR card
In Armenia, you can withdraw money from the Russian MIR card. However, there is a fee for this. ...