Where can I go by bus from Yerevan?

Last updated: 05.06.2023
Expected read time: 2.10 мин.

Table of contents:

  1. 1. Central Bus Station (Kilikia)
  2. 2. Yerevan Bus Station (South Bus Station)
  3. 3. North Bus Station
  4. 4. Metro "Yeritasardakan"
  5. 5. Stop in front of the SKK im. K. Demirchyan
  6. 6. Route map
  7. 7. Other departure points and online ticketing

There are 3 bus stations and well-established departure points in Yerevan. Travelers buy tickets for tutu.ruI.ScheduleTicketsPlus, at the box office of the station.

Central Bus Station (Kilikia)

Buses depart from the Central Bus Station to:

  • Ashtarak,
  • Batumi,
  • Vanadzor,
  • Voronezh,
  • Gyumri,
  • Dilijan,
  • Republic of Artsakh,
  • Talin,
  • Tashir,
  • Tbilisi, Georgia),
  • Tehran (Iran),
  • Etchmiadzin,
  • Cities in the south of the Russian Federation (routes depend on private carriers).

The price of tickets depends on the transport company. The cost can be found at the information desk (0 10 565370).

To clarify information about the bus to Tbilisi at the Central Station, they give the numbers 0 94 929281 (we were not answered here) and 0 43 305555 (the operator of the Georgian direction). From Yerevan the minibus leaves at 7:30; 8:30 a.m.; 10:30 a.m.; 13:00; 15:30; 17:00;19:00. Price – 8 000 AMD.

The bus leaves for Batumi at 19:00.

How to get there: You can get to the Central Bus Station by taxi (on average from the center about 1000 drams), by 5, 13 or 259 buses.

Address: Tsovakal Isaakov avenue, 6

Yerevan Bus Station (South Bus Station)

The bus station "Yerevan" ("South Bus Station") is located next to the railway station. Buses and minivans leave from here to:

  • Ararat
  • Vayk
  • Vanadzor
  • Vladikavkaz
  • Goris
  • Gyumri
  • Jermuk
  • Yeghegnadzor
  • Kapan
  • Masis
  • Meghri
  • Sevan
  • Sochi
  • Khor Virap
  • Mineralnye Vody and other cities of the Russian Federation (routes depend on private carriers)

How to get there: You can get to the bus station at No. 37, No. 44 or No. 58 buses, on metro to Sasuntsi David.

Address: st. Sevan, 93/1

North Bus Station

The northern bus station is located at the exit from Yerevan in the direction of Abovyan. Minivans depart from it towards Sevan, Dilijan, Ijevan and Noyemberyan.

Tickets are sold in the station building at the box office.

Price order:

  • 700-1500 AMD to Dilijan,
  • 800-1200 AMD to Sevan,
  • from 2000 AMD Ijevan and Noyemberyan

How to get there: on #46, #259 or #261 buses

Address: Yerevan-Abovyan highway, 2/14

Metro "Yeritasardakan"

An alternative route to the city of Sevan starts from the Yeritasardakan metro station. Departure as the number of passengers. Price: from 600 to 1000 AMD.

How to get there: by metro to the Yeritasardakan station or by any bus that travels along the street. Abovyan.

Address: st. Avetik Isahakyan, 3/1

Stop in front of the SKK im. K. Demirchyan

Minibuses and buses depart from this stop to Tbilisi and
Russia: Vladikavkaz, Sochi, Krasnodar, Pyatigorsk, Moscow

Route map

We have prepared a route map. The color of the starting point corresponds to the color of the destination.

Other departure points and online ticketing

Tickets available on tutu.ruI.ScheduleTicketsPlus. You can buy with an Armenian card and a MIR card.

Departure and arrival addresses are written on the flight card and on the ticket.

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