How to get a motorcycle driver's license?

Last updated: 26.04.2023
Expected read time: 1.35 мин.

Table of contents:

  1. 1. Conditions for admission to the exam
  2. 2. Algorithm of actions for registering for the exam
  3. 3. How is the practical exam
  4. 4. Are mistakes allowed?
  5. 5. I didn't pass my internship, what's next?

How to pass on category B?

About passing on the rights of category B we wrote here

Conditions for admission to the exam

In order to obtain category A rights (for a motor vehicle), in addition to passing the theory, 4 conditions must be met:

  • pay for insurance and pass a technical inspection (if required by age);
  • register the motorcycle
  • come with him to the exam;
  • have minimal equipment - a helmet.

Algorithm of actions for registering for the exam

When the conditions from the previous paragraph are fulfilled, you need to register for an exam at the Armenian Traffic Police and wait for a call. After passing the theoretical exam, proceed to the next part - the practical one.


How is the practical exam

Unlike Russia, in Armenia the entire exam is held at the autodrome, without going to the city. However, the autodrome is very realistic, there are most of the elements of the road: traffic lights, railway crossing, intersections, bridge, pedestrian crossings. The exam usually takes 20 minutes.

In detail, the exam can be painted in steps:

  1. check the equipment - at least fasten the helmet (the inspector will check);
  2. inspect the motorcycle for the operation of brakes, signals, turn signals;
  3. imitation of traffic in the city - the outer and inner circles of the autodrome;
  4. separate exercises for owning a motorcycle on a separate site.

Are mistakes allowed?

There are 2 minor errors allowed in the practical exam. If there are more mistakes, the instructor will send you for a retake.

I didn't pass my internship, what's next?

Within a year after passing the theoretical part of the exam, you have the right to take the practice until you pass. There are no restrictions. But for each retake, you need to pay a state duty - 3000 drams.

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