Armenian punctuation

Last updated: 22.03.2023
Expected read time: 1.56 мин.

Table of contents:

  1. 1. : (varchaket)
  2. 2. . (michaket)
  3. 3. ` (but)
  4. 4. ՞ (hartsakan nshan)
  5. 5. ՛ (shesht)
  6. 6. ՜ (batsakanchakan nshan)
  7. 7. Other signs
Why is the colon at the end of the sentence, the dot is in the middle, and where do the apostrophes come from?

: (varchaket)

: վերջակետ [verchaket] (end point). This sign corresponds in function to the Russian dot
  1. Երևանը Հայաստանի մայրաքաղաքն է: [Yerevane Hayastani Mayrakakhakn e] Yerevan is the capital of Armenia.
  2. Ես ունեմ մի ընկեր: [Yes unem mi enker] I have a friend. Նրա անունն Անդրեյ է: [Nra Anune Andrey e]. His name is Andrey.

. (michaket)

. միջակետ [michaket] (lit. middle point). In function, it corresponds to a Russian semicolon or colon
  1. Նա ասաց. “Վաղը զբաղված եմ”: [On asat. “Wahe sbahvatsem”] He said, “Tomorrow I am busy.”
  2. Ինքը ունի․ մեքենա' տուն' լավ գործ։ [Inke uni: mekena, tun, lav gordz] He has: a car, a house, a good job.

` (but)

`բութ [but']. This is a separating explanatory sign placed with a slope after the word above. By function, it corresponds to a Russian comma, dash or colon
  1. Այդ լսելով` ես շատ զարմացա: [Ayd lselov' es shat zarmatsa] Hearing this, I was very surprised.
  2. Ընկերս գնաց թատրոն, իսկ ես գրադարան: [Enkers gnats tatron, claim es gradaran] My friend went to the theater, and I went to the library.
  3. Անդրանիկը` իմ ընկերը, լավ է սովորում: [Andranik 'im enkere, lav e sovorum] Andranik, my comrade, is a good student.

՞ (hartsakan nshan)

՞question mark հարցական նշան [hartsakan nshan]. Placed in a sentence above the last vowel of the word that contains the question
  1. Ի՞նչ ես անում: [Inches anum] What are you doing?
  2. Որտեղի՞ց ես գալիս: [Vortekhitses galis] Where are you coming from?
  3. Գնու՞մ ես համերգ: [Gnumes hamerk?] Are you going to the concert?

՛ (shesht)

՛accent mark շեշտ [shesht]. It is placed in incentive sentences over the last vowel of the accented word and corresponds in function to the Russian exclamation
  1. Արի՛ այստեղ: [Ari aisteh!”] Come here!;
  2. Տու՛ն գնա: [Tun gna!] Go home!;
  3. Արա՛մ, արի այստեղ: [Aram, ari aistakh!] Aram, come here!

՜ (batsakanchakan nshan)

՜ exclamation mark բացականչական նշան [batsakanchakan nshan]. It is placed in exclamatory sentences over the last vowel of the word that expresses exclamation, delight, appeal, etc.
  1. Ինչպիսի գեղեցկությու՜ն: [Inchpesi gekhetskutsyun] What a beauty!;
  2. ի՜նչ լավ երեկո է: [Inch love erekoe] What a nice evening!

Other signs

The Armenian language also uses commas, quotation marks, brackets, dots, which in form and function coincide with the corresponding Russian characters.
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