How to pay a communal apartment in Armenia?

Last updated: 07.06.2023
Expected read time: 3.69 мин.

Table of contents:

  1. 1. What do you need to know about utilities?
  2. 2. Useful numbers
  3. 3. What are the tariffs for utilities in 2023?
  4. 4. Owner
  5. 5. Mail
  6. 6. Bank
  7. 7. Instant payment systems
There are several ways to pay utility bills. Let's talk about each.

What do you need to know about utilities?

Water and gas meters are outside the apartment. Their testimony is taken by public utility workers. The bathroom has only a cold water meter (heated by gas). An employee comes and takes a photo of the testimony or leaves a phone number so that the residents themselves send a photo to Viber.

The utilities do not include heating. Owners can install batteries and supply gas-heated water to them.

Electricity and water are often turned off, but they warn about this in advance. You can find out the news in the Telegram channel "Armenia housing and communal services" or "Yerevan".

The data comes every month on the 10th. Payment must be made within five days. Services will be terminated immediately for non-payment.

Bills are not delivered to the apartment, and there is no personal account on a separate website. Residents have codes for paying for each service (you can attach a phone number to them), which are entered when paying with their preferred method. Read about these methods below.

Useful numbers

104 - Gas service

180 - Electrical networks

185 - Veolia-dzhur (water supply)

What are the tariffs for utilities in 2023?


Households consuming
  • up to 200 kWh per month - AMD 46.48 during the day and AMD 36.48 at night;
  • 201–400 kWh – AMD 48.48 during the day and AMD 38.48 at night;
  • 400 kWh and above - AMD 53.48 during the day and AMD 43.48 at night.

Socially disadvantaged families - AMD 29.99 during the day and AMD 19.99 at night.


Households - AMD 143.7 per 1 m³.

Socially disadvantaged families - 100 drams per m³ when consuming up to 600 m³ of gas per year.


  • Households - AMD 208,415 per 1 m³.
  • Socially disadvantaged families - AMD 180 per 1 m³


The easiest option is to negotiate with the landlord so that he pays utilities and bills you himself. You only need to take pictures of the water meter - the rest of the information is taken by special workers.

If you decide to pay bills yourself, find out the codes or the phone attached to them.


At the post office, take a suitable ticket with the service. After waiting for your turn, call the service code or phone number and pay. If the landlord did not give you the codes, then it is enough to give your address and home number (if available) in the mail. The postal employee will give you the codes if you want to pay for them in the future.

All branches accept cash. List of branches with cashless payments on the site haypost. For payment with a card of a foreign bank - a commission of 1.8%.


There are three ways to pay utility bills through a bank

At the branch of the bank

The procedure is the same as when paying by mail. Get a coupon, name the required code or phone number and pay in cash or by card.

Through an ATM

Insert the card, enter the PIN code, select the utility payment service. Choose a utility operator, enter a code or phone number, enter the payment amount, or choose a fixed option. Pay.

Via banking app

In each banking application, you can remotely pay for a communal apartment. Choose a utility operator, enter a code or phone number and pay the desired or fixed amount. Utilities can be combined into a group and pay for several services at once, or allow the bank to automatically pay bills.

*Pensioners and beneficiaries who pay with VTB (Armenia), Ardshinbank or Armbusinessbank cards - including for utilities - receive 10% cashback at the end of the month (no more than 5,000 AMD).


Here we will separately tell about the Armenian payment system ArCa․ It can be compared with the Russian Mir system. The card is issued in 15 Armenian banks. In the ArCa․am mobile application, utility bills are paid in the same way as in banking applications.

Instant payment systems

Instant payment systems and e-wallets operate in Armenia Telcelleasy pay and Idram. After replenishing the wallet, you can quickly pay for utilities, fines, purchases in stores, etc.

Through the terminal


You must be registered in advance.
Find the terminal of the selected system, enter your data, select the utility payment service. Pay in cash or debit the amount from your e-wallet.

Via App

Each instant payment system has its own wallet application, in which, among other things, utility bills are paid. Choose the desired operator, enter the codes or phone number and pay.

Wallet apps are chosen because of cashback systems.
What if utilities are cut off?

You can choose a real estate agent from the article we talked about how to act
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