Armenia is an ancient country. According to some historians it is at least 2,500 years old. Others claim that it is about 3,500 or even 6,000 years old. Many traditions and customs have developed over these centureis. They changed, transformed, but survived and are kept by the people.
We have assembled a guide to Armenian holidays, rituals, customs and traditions. We've learned about local dishes, upbringing and mentality and wrote an article that will help you get to know and understand these people better. Note, although these traditions are still common, not every family adheres to them.
- Взаимоотношения, менталитет
- Традиционные блюда
- Traditional clothing
- Traditional dances
- Folk music
- Семейные традиции
- Национальные праздники
Взаимоотношения, менталитет
Начнем знакомство с традициями армян с приветствия. При встрече в Армении у мужчин принято целоваться в щеку, ведь поцелуй означает, что вы друзья, вы доверяете друг другу. Мужчины при встрече также пожимают руки. От армянина вы услышите не только «барэв дзэс» – «здравствуйте», но и вопрос «вонц эс?» – «как ты?» И не поинтересоваться в ответ – невежливо. Также, обращаясь к собеседнику, добавляют слово «джан», чтобы показать уважение, свое хорошее отношение, любовь. Этому слову у нас посвящена целая статья.
Если хотите знать больше слов, чем просто приветствие, записывайтесь на курсы армянского в языковые школы из каталога Move2Armenia.
Relationship towards relatives
В Армении семья is one of the main values. Big holidays like Christmas are usually celebrated with relatives; the whole family gathers for feasts; relatives often visit each other. Young couples often choose to live with their parents even if they have enough money to live separately. Close friends are also considered a part of a family.
There is a special attitude towards elderly people in Armenia .They are deeply respected and assissted. Young people do not interrupt them, argue with them or make noise in their presence and, of course, they give way to elderly people and take care of them at the table. When an older person enters a room, it is customary in many families to stand up and not sit down while the older person is standing. Аdult children provide for their elderly parents.
There is an emotional attitude towards children. Families often have many children. They are considered a blessing from above, they are allowede to do almost everything. When parents walk with a child passers by may stop them, give the child a compliment, treat him or her with sweets and fruits. People are not afraid to leave children play on the playground near the house because they are always under the supervision of neighbors; the kids will not be offended.
В Армении широко празднуют День защиты детей. На площадях устраивают концерты, проводят мероприятия в библиотеках, центрах развития, в целом организуют разнообразные развлечения.
A man's status
The tradition of a special relationship towards a man is more preserved in the regions of Armenia, but not in large cities. Thus, the birth of a boy is considered a great joy in the family because it means that the family will continue. The perception of a man as a provider is still widespread. He is the head of the family and can forbid his wife to work. In conservative families and in the provinces it is customary that a man walks ahead of a woman, enters the room first, seeing him, women keep silent.
Отношение к женщинам
Women are respected in Armenia, it is not customary to speak rudely in their presence. Young people say that they rarely get aquainted with girls in public places, as they are afraid of the girls' older brothers.
The woman is often in charge of the household. In remote villages meekness and modesty are especially valued. A woman may wear closed clothes there; it is not customary to argue with a husband. However, this is rarely met in large cities.
One of the main Armenian traits that people around the world know about is hospitality. A foreigner, a new acquaintance will certainly be invited to the house and generously treated. Armenians say that a guest is sent by God. If the newcomer is given shelter, fed it will bring happiness to that house. Refusing an invitation is considered disrespectful. At feasts, according to custom, they can leave a place for an unexpected guest.
I would like to share my personal experience as well. When we arrived at an apartment in Armenia, the head of the block met us and invited for a beer.
The Armenian expression “A good neighbor is better than a close relative” speaks most clearly about their attitude towards neighbors. Neighbors may come to each other's place without warning and knocking at the door. They can meet daily for a cup of coffee and discuss the latest news.
Being late
One can rarely meet an Armenian who comes to a meeting on time. They are late for every meeting be it visiting one's place or some event. It is customary to be late for 15 minutes.
Love for their country and people
Armenians love and are proud of their country. They may be dissatisfied with the government, complain about difficult life situations, but this will not change their cordial attitude towards their homeland. Locals would certainly ask foreigners if they like Armenia, and at the same time they would tell what the country is famous for. Repatriates from all over the world come and stay in Armenia, who could never have lived here before.
Армения – первая страна, принявшая христианство (301 г.), чем здесь очень гордятся. Большинство армян принадлежат к Армянской апостольской церкви. Широко отмечают религиозные праздники, о которых мы расскажем ниже.
Armenians do not swear
In Armenia it is not customary to swear in public places, as girls can pass by, that is, someone's mothers, sisters, grandmothers. It is unacceptable that they hear not only swearing, but generally rude words. As for a swearing girl, it is considered as nonsense.
Horns instead of automotive lighting
Car enthusiasts who come to Armenia are surprised that drivers “communicate” with the help of horns instead of headlights or turn signals. This is why it is noisy on busy streets.
Chess and backgammon (nardi)
Chess is taught in schools, so every Armenian knows how to play chess, at least a little. Also, it is common to see people with backgammon in the yards. Armenians are famous for the art of making boards for chess and backgammon.

Традиционные блюда
We have already talked about hospitality; a feast is its integral part. Meat dishes are always present during a traditional feast, they are served with a salad— ахцан from tomatoes, cucumbers and greens, a variety of pickles, homemade cheeses and lavash. By the way, lavash (the thin Armenian bread) is included in the UNESCO Intangible Heritage List.
In general, Armenian dishes are fatty, high-calorie. They eat a lot of meat and bread. As in other hot countries, a lot of salt is used in cooking here. But in 2022 the Ministry of Health of Armenia forbade placing salt shakers on tables in restaurants and cafes, as they even consume too much salt.
Одно из самых известных армянских блюд – это шашлык или хоровац. Даже устраивают соревнования среди ресторанов, чтобы узнать, кто жарит мясо вкуснее.

Традиционные мясные блюда:
Amich—poultry stuffed with dried fruits.
Hrisa—porridge with chicken.
Долма, а вернее толма – фарш с рисом в виноградных листьях.
Кюфта – нежные мясные шарики, обычно нарезанные.
Кялла – блюдо из бараньей или говяжьей головы. Традиционно его готовят в г. Гюмри. Даже не все современные армяне решаются попробовать кяллу из-за ее вида. Но те, кто отваживается, говорят, что это очень вкусное блюдо.
Ламаджо – лепешка с фаршем.
Separately, we will name soups, since they are also diverse in Armenia:
Aveluk. The soup is named after the main ingredient—aveluk or horse sorrel. Armenian cuisine often uses herbs that may be considered weed in other countries.
Бозбаш – суп из баранины.
Спас – молочный суп, особенно любимый армянами.
Хашлама – суп из телятины с картофелем и овощами.
Хаш – говяжий бульон, который принято есть в холодные месяцы с утра. Вместе с ним подают водку, соленья, внутрь крошат сухой лаваш. С этим супом связана шутка. Говорят, что он не любит три «к»: «кенац» – тост – якобы за хашем не говорят тостов; коньяк, ведь пьют водку, и «кин» – женщин, так как хаш готовят мужчины.

Овощные блюда:
Zhengyalov hats—thin flatbreads with a lot of chopped greens.
Imam bayaldy—eggplant with vegetables and garlic-dill dressing. In Armenia, they are often put it in glass jars and save for winter.
Ghapama—stuffed pumpkin. Its filling can be called sweet pilaf. This is a festive dish, it is served at a wedding, Christmas or Easter.

Сладкое и выпечка:
Barurik—a roll with nut filling.
Gata or kyata can remide of a pie or a cookie, as it is cooked differently depending on the region. It is filled with walnuts or butter with powdered sugar.

Торт «Микадо» состоит из множества тонких сметанных коржей и заварного шоколадного крема со сгущенкой. Это настоящая сладкая бомба, но от нее невозможно отказаться.
Назук – выпечка из слоеного теста. Может быть как сладкой, так и соленой. Ее традиционно готовят на Пасху.
Sharots or sweet sujuk is an Armenian sweet, a relative of Georgian churchkhela.
Alani is dried peaches stuffed with nuts. As in sharots, the fruit is strung on a string.
Matnakash is a traditional oval bread with grooves in the middle. It has a crust outside, and a soft bun inside.
Условно к сладкому можно отнести кашу мшош. Это постное блюдо из чечевицы с сухофруктами и орехами. Иногда их заменяют овощами.
Армения славится напитками. Туристы возвращаются домой с бутылками знаменитого коньяка «Арарат» и «Ной». Также Армения гордится своим вином, причем не только виноградным, но и гранатовым. Его изготавливают во многих домашних винодельнях. На застольях можно встретить тутовую водку «Арцах». Если о любви армян к коньяку и вину хорошо известно, то об особом отношении к пиву знают не все. А ведь мужчины любят собраться за кружкой «Гюмри», «Киликии» или «Дилижана».
Out of non-alcoholic drinks they choose mineral water "Jermuk". Tan—a fermented milk product is quite refreshing. It is estimated that on average every citizen of Armenia drinks 3.5 cups of coffee per day. They loved it here and prefer to cook it in a cezve on the sand. Often women tell fortunes on used coffee grounds.
You can even drink water from a tap in Armenia. Drinking fountains—pulpulaks are installed on the streets, which are real saviour during the heat. The expression: “Water is for the younger, the word is for the elder” is associated with pulpulak. As we have already said, the older generation in Armenia is respected, they are always supposed to speak first, as for children, they need to be given way to the water first.

Traditional clothing
Traditional Armenian clothing is called taraz. It varied from region to region, but the basic elements were similar. Women wore trousers, a shirt, put on a dress or caftan, an apron over it. On holidays, dresses were tied with a wide belt. The outfit was decorated with embroidery, braid, which, it was believed, protected from evil influences. It was possible to understand where the woman came from by her clothes. They also wore jewelry which showed family status.
The men's costume consisted of a shirt, trousers and a caftan, on which they put on a chukha - a Circassian coat below the knee made of sheep's wool and belted it.
Clothing was traditionally red, yellow, blue or purple. Ornaments were geometric, depicting greens or animals.

Сейчас людей в таразах можно увидеть на праздниках и народных гуляниях. Национальные танцевальные и музыкальные коллективы надевают их на выступления.
Few people know about such a tradition associated with a modern men's suit. Armenian men put on a linen undershirt under any outerwear, even under a T-shirt. It is warmer in winter, and sweat stains do not remain on clothes in summer. We can only say about women that they follow modern European fashion and always look well-groomed.
Traditional dances
Armenians had dances for each event; for example, weddings, funerals, victories in battle or work. Some of them are now performed only by folk groups, but there are dances that today's youth knows and loves. People may gather in parks or squares to dance or learn moves.
К военным танцам относятся:
Berd—"a fortress". You immediately remember its name when you see the dance. Men stand on each other's shoulders, creating a two-storey wall. Traditionally, the dance is performed by the "Berd" ensemble.
Kochari is associated with the time of worship of a wild ram, whose movements are repeated by the dancers. Now it is a victorious male dance, which even made it to historical film. It was performed in 1945 at the walls of the Reichstag in Berlin.

Ярхушта, что в переводе означает «товарищ по оружию». Во время танца воины двигались навстречу друг другу и громко хлопали в ладоши.
The bright and impressive Armenian dance with sabers Trakhagh is shown in the ballet "Gayane", music by Aram Khachaturian. This ballet is a real national treasure.
По другим поводам танцевали:
Шалахо тоже исполняется в балете «Гаяне». Его танцуют двое мужчин и женщина.
Вервери – групповой танец, который раньше связывали с культом древа, то есть символом потомства.
Исполняя танец Джейрани, подражали антилопе: держали голову поднятой, медленно вышагивали и плавно двигали руками.
Papuri was performed by men to scare away forces of evil.
Эчмиадзин, предположительно, был посвящен богу солнца. Люди вставали в хоровод, сужали круг и расходились.
Свадебные танцы:
Танец с шашлыком исполняют на свадьбе при подаче этого блюда.
The bride has her own dance—Uzundara. She performs alone or with other girls.
Шавали – танец гостей на свадьбе. Изначально его исполняла свекровь.
Еще больше о танцах мы рассказали в this article.
Folk music
The music was everyday, festive, epic and lyrical. It was performed on folk instruments: duduk (pipe made of apricot wood), kamancha (lyre with a round resonator) and shvi (whistle flute). Nowadays as well, for instance, during the feasts you can hear the chorus of Armenian voices.
В первой половине XX в. в Армении появился джаз. Он считается самым любимым музыкальным жанром армян. Во многих ресторанах и кафе Еревана за ужином вы услышите местный джаз-бенд. В этой статье мы рассказали о джазе в Ереване, а в этой – об армянских музыкантах и исполнителях в целом.
Семейные традиции
Armenians have many traditions, customs and rituals associated with bright events, both joyful ones, like weddings and christenings, and sad ones, like funerals. There are also unique family holidays. Not everyone follows the traditions, some of them have already been forgotten or transformed. They are more reverently treated in villages, far from big cities.
According to this ritual— сватовства the groom's parents come to the bride's house. The future father-in-law and mother-in-law agree to give up their daughter only from the third time, because they highly appreciate and love her.
Before the wedding Ншандрек —engagement takes place in the bride's house or in a restaurant. The groom gives the bride a ring, which is sometimes blessed in a church. It is believed that after that no one will be able to prevent the marriage. During the feast, they plan a future wedding.
On the day of the wedding, the celebration begins at the groom's house. Guests gather at the table, congratulations are voiced. Then everyone goes to the bride's house. She dances for her loved one while saying goodbye to her parents. A feast is also organized at the bride's house. When they are about to leave, the younger brother of the bride or another boy close to the family blocks the groom's way with a dagger until his godfather pays a ransomfor the bride.
Even nowadays many young couples венчаются in the church. Sometimes they go only to church, but do not officially reggister their marriage. They exchange rings and put them on the finger of the left hand.
Then they go to the groom's house or to a restaurant. The mother or other relative from the groom's side puts lavash on the couple's shoulders and feeds them with honey. The husband and wife must step on the plates and break them. Traditionally, the man, as the head of the family, does this first. The bride again dances for her beloved along with other young guests. And, as we said, the waiters perform a dance when serving the barbecue.

Nobody encourages the couple to kiss during the celebration, as it is considered indecent for newlyweds to show their feelings and kiss in public. The maximum is a kiss on the cheek.
Not only newlyweds are given gifts. They, in their turn, present guests with tarosiks. Тарос переводится как «передать». Традиционно холостым гостям невеста передавала сладкое, таким образом делясь своим счастьем. Сейчас могут подарить цветы и другие небольшие сувениры на память о событии.
Рождение ребенка
The appearance of a child in the family is a great joy. Often, happy parents donate money in gratitude to the doctor. There is still a religious tradition, according to which only relatives can see the child 40 days after the birth.
Only a married couple can become godparents. Note that in the Armenian Church the christening certificate sometimes replaces the birth certificate. If the child was not christened in childhood, this is done before the wedding.
The christening of a child is widely celebrated as a big family holiday, like a wedding or a birthday.
An unusual Armenian tradition, which is rarely seen in other countries, is associated with the appearance of the child's first tooth. It is called Atamhatik—"tooth" + "seed". Guests are invited to the celebration, the child’s head is sprinkled with peas and beans so that all teeth grow painlessly. Then they conduct a ceremony to choose a future profession for the baby. Things are laid out around him, denoting different activities, whichever child is drawn to, that he will do in the future.

There are various beliefs among peoples which are associated with death and burial. In Armenia, in the house of a deceased person, the clock is stopped and mirrors are hung in order to protect themselves from evil forces. When observing mourning, women wear black clothes, men do not shave their beards for 40 days.
According to religious tradition, the number three has a sacred meaning, so sometimes the custom of going around the coffin counterclockwise for three times and kissing the hand of the deceased is preserved. The funeral is held on the third day. All relatives gather. Be sure to leave financial assistance to the family of the deceased. In some villages, women are still forbidden to accompany the deceased to the cemetery.
Khashlama and harisa are put on the memorial table, they drink vodka. The next commemoration takes place on the seventh and fortieth day from the date of teh death.
Национальные праздники и памятные дни
In this section we will tell you how hey celebrate memorable dates and holidays, including original ones in Armenia.
Новый год
New Year is celebrated from December 31st to January 1st. They decorate the Christmas tree in advance. Today it is a spruce or its paws, but initially they took branches of any trees or ears of wheat. They symbolized the tree of life. They were decorated with fruits, walnuts and homemade dolls. Some families try to keep the old tradition.

This holiday is celebrated with friends and relatives. Fireworks are fired atmidnight. The next three days they visit relatives.
In Armenia, there are two more dates marking the New Year. The memory of them has been preserved since prehistoric times. March 21st was Amanor, or the vernal equinox. And on August 11, the progenitor of the Armenians, Hayk Nahapet, struck down the Babylonian ruler, Titan Bel with one arrow, freeing his people. That memorable day was called Navasard. Now, of course, these are not official holidays.
В Армении Рождество и Крещение отмечают в одно время – с пятого на шестое января. Вместе оба праздника называют Богоявлением. В это время ходят в церковь, проводят время с семьей. На праздничный стол традиционно подают вареную рыбу, символизирующую Иисуса Христа, плов с сухофруктами, отварные травы и красное вино.
У нас есть отдельная статья про Новый год и Рождество по-армянски, приглашаем прочитать.
Terendez (Trndez), or the Presentation of the Lord, is celebrated from the evening of February 13th. This is an example of combining a pagan and a Christian holiday. Pagan fire worshipers lit fires and jumped over them to make the sun warmer. The main participants of the holiday were couples. Nowadays, the Day of Blessing of the Newlyweds is also celebrated on this day. From the candle blessed at the divine service a fire is lit through which, as before, couples jump.

День Святого Саркиса
Armenia has its own Valentine's Day - St. Sarkis Day. It is celebrated 64 days before Easter, that is, on Saturday between January 18 and February 23. On this day, salty cakes are eaten without drinking water, in order to see their love in a dream who will hand them a glass of water. And they put a tray of fried wheat flour outside. If the horse of St. Sargis leaves its mark on it at night, then the wish of the person in love will come true.
Бун Барекендан
Armenian Maslenitsa is celebrated before the start of Lent. Barekendan not only sees off the winter: the main thing is that this is the day when people come out of mourning, they enjoy life. The title translates as "good life". Folk festivals, fairs are organized, guests are waiting for a feast, but they try to eat food only of plant origin in order to prepare for the upcoming Lent.
Праздник женщин
March 8 is an official holiday in Armenia. But the celebration does not end with one day. A whole month is devoted to women, until April 7, when they celebrate the Day of Motherhood and Beauty. they remembered about this April holiday, coinciding with the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, after the collapse of the USSR. The International Women's Day was left non-working, but they do not forget about their own holiday.
Tsaghkazard - “decorated with flowers”, or Palm Sunday, is celebrated on the last Sunday of Great Lent, a week before Easter. In Armenia, willow and olive branches are blessed.
На Пасху – Затик яйца красят с помощью луковой шелухи в красный цвет и обмениваются ими. Есть игра, в которой соперники бьются яйцами, и победитель забирает разбитое яйцо побежденного. Яйцо можно разрезать, посыпать солью и завернуть в лаваш вместе с тархуном. Вместо кулича едят гату. Еще больше о празднике читайте here.
День памяти жертв Геноцида армян
During the First World War, ethnic Armenians were massacred in the Ottoman Empire. About one and a half million people died poets, composers, doctors, journalists among them. Armenians around the world remember the events of 1915. On April 24, a funeral procession takes place in Yerevan to the Tsitsernakaberd (“Swallow Fortress”) memorial, where flowers are laid. For the centenary of the genocide, an emblem in the form of a purple forget-me-not was created - a symbol of memory.

День Победы
В Великой Отечественной войне сражалось свыше 500 000 армян, поэтому 9 Мая – важная дата для страны. Ежегодно к мемориалам возлагают цветы, проходит акция «Бессмертный полк», устраивают салют.
Сохранился и языческий праздник Вардавар, который сейчас совпадает с Преображением Господним. Отмечается через 14 недель после Пасхи. В переводе с армянского Вардавар – «яркая, огненная роза». Праздник был посвящен богине любви и красоты Астхик, возлюбленной бога огня Ваагна. Богиня дарила розы и разливала по армянской земле розовую воду. И сейчас принято обливать прохожих водой. Подробнее о празднике – по ссылке.

Обряд, который больше всего удивляет иностранцев, – матах. В церковный праздник или после важного для человека события в храме освещают соль. За пределами церкви ее скармливают ягненку, теленку или красному петуху, после чего животное или птицу закалывают. Вареное мясо раздают бедным, соседям, друзьям, так как вся суть этого обряда заключается именно в благотворительности, желании разделить свою радость или горе с другими.
После знакомства с традициями и обычаями армян можно сказать, что это открытый, отзывчивый народ, который чтит предков, любит свою страну и помнит историю.
Если вы переехали в Армению и хотите узнать ее историю, начать учить язык, станцевать народные танцы и приготовить традиционные блюда, следите за анонсами бесплатных мероприятий Move2Armenia Culture.
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13.03.2024 в 14:12Շատ ցավում եմ,որ այսպիսի օֆիցիալ էջ հայկական ավանդույթների մասին գրելիս նորմալ է համարել գրել,որ հայ տղամարդիկ կարող են արգելել հայ կանանց աշխատել և կանայք քչինչ չեն կարող ասել դրան։ Խնդրում եմ այսուհետև հետևել ձեր ասածներին և հայկական ավանդույթների մասին գրելիս կանանց իրավունքների ոտնահարումը չդարձնել հայկական ավանդույթի մի մաս,քանի որ հայկական մշակույթը բնավ այդ մասին չէ
Donna Stephenson
10.01.2024 в 23:25I dated an Armenian man for a long time.Such a gracious culture.Love of family and friends is so admirable.To this day,though years have passed,we are great friends.
07.07.2023 в 14:21Куда бы ни приехал, первым делом отправляюсь поесть в ресторан с местной кухней) Армянские национальные блюда понравились. Попробовал почти все, особенно вкусным был суп бозбаш
07.07.2023 в 13:58Восхищает отношение армян друг к другу и в семье. Это основа основ и всегда на виду
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