Armenia hosts Crossroads academic music festival - Move2Armenia

Armenia hosts Crossroads academic music festival

Armenia hosts Crossroads academic music festival

Move2Armenia met with the organizers and participants of the Crossroads festival to find out why people still listen to academic music in 2023, what premieres await the audience at concerts throughout April, and how you can change the capabilities of the piano using new technologies.

Watch our report from the Arno Babajanyan Concert Hall at YouTube.

Aram Hovhannisyan, Artistic Director of the Crossroads Festival, Composer and Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Yerevan State Conservatory. Komitas:

“In 2023, academic music continues to be listened to, because people do not lose their intellectuality. In modern life, everything goes to the fact that serious art is gradually fading into the background. This happens for various reasons: people have such a schedule of life that there is less and less time left for contact with such art. But we continue to believe that someone needs it; we need it too, so we continue to work in this direction.

The festival is called Crossroads - “crossroads” - because we really want Armenian contemporary music and international contemporary music to come into contact at this festival, so that the public has a chance to see where Armenian music is, what is happening on the world stage. How Armenia fits into this context and what new things it can offer. The festival is held for the sixth time with the support of the Ministry of Culture, so far only in Armenia, but there are plans to go abroad. Among the musicians participating in the 2023 festival, there are artists from all over the world, many premieres will be performed - works that have not been heard in Armenia before. Particular emphasis, of course, on the Armenian music of the young and middle generation. This year, for the first time, concerts of the students of the Conservatory will take place.”

The musical and educational program of the Crossroads Festival will be held at 4 venues in Yerevan and Gyumri Technopark from April 3 to 26. The educational program will include master classes and seminars in collaboration with the Conservatory, as well as a public workshop by Gashia Uzunyan (Oxford) and Yves Egoyan (Toronto) for a wide audience on how graphic scores can be used as a model for architectural and urban design. You can get acquainted with the program of the festival, find out the schedule of concerts, master classes and public talks at link.


If you want to win a ticket to the festival, participate in our raffle.

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Armenia hosts Crossroads academic music festival
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