Top 5 Ways to Find a Job in Armenia - Move2Armenia

Top 5 Ways to Find a Job in Armenia

Top 5 Ways to Find a Job in Armenia

A universal instruction that will help job seekers of a wide variety of specializations and holders of any experience find a job.

This guide is more intended for those who have recently moved to Armenia, but it will also help to rethink the global approach to finding a dream job for those who have already lived here for a long time.

We offer not only scripts, but also specific tools. Our instructions do not imply a single solution, because each applicant’s case is unique. However, if you use all the algorithms listed in this article, you will definitely achieve your desired goal. And even if you don’t get your dream offer right away, you will gain useful experience.

Brief algorithm: offline job fairs - local recruiting platforms-aggregators of vacancies and company websites - networking with locals - public job search in Armenia on Facebook and Telegram - your self-presentation strategy on Linkedin and the importance of a Facebook resume + bonus! advice from local HR and Move2Armenia brand manager.


  1. Offline job fairs
  2. Local job aggregator platforms and company websites
  3. Network with locals
  4. Job search publics in Armenia on Facebook and Telegram
  5. Your Linkedin Presentation Strategy and the Importance of a Resume on Social Media
  6. Recommendation from Move2Armenia Brand Manager
  7. Local HR Tips

Offline job fairs

Offline events have an undeniable advantage over any online events in Armenia as well: as job search tools, they really work here. On them you can personally meet a potential employer and future colleagues and get answers to all questions about working in a particular company. For example, it is not always clear from the job description what exactly is to be done. Career day is the best time to clarify and clarify everything.

"CAREER NOT IN IT" – the largest job fair in Armenia from Move2ArmeniaThe last day of my career has passed February 19, 2023. The event presented more than 300 vacancies from 35+ employers from a variety of fields: hotel and restaurant business, design and education, banking and recruiting. Among the participants top players in the Armenian market: mobile operators Ucom and team, hotel sector - Holiday InnDoubleTree by Hilton and Marriott, educational institutions TUMO and Tumanyan Online, restaurant chains Hard Rock Cafe and Karas, laboratory In vitro, tourism and entertainment Yerevan park and Armenia HolidaysHertz and FlyOne Armenia, marketing Ivyarmeniamedia group and creativelab, delivery aggregator and many others. At the fair, you could personally meet your future employer and receive an invitation to the next stage of the interview. Participation is free, upon registration.

“Be sure to participate in job fairs. First, this is a cool networking. Secondly - a unique opportunity to meet personally and establish contact. Live communication provides the basis for a longer-term and stronger working relationship, ”says Siran Vanyan, IT recruiter Meettal.

Move2Armenia Career Job Fair is a specialized fair at which the main players in the IT sector of Armenia are presented. Career days started in the spring of 2022, have already been held three times and each time gathered 2000+ participants and 20+ employer companies; more than 1000 Job Fair participants found a job. The last IT job fair took place February 18, 2023. The next fair will take place in November 2023. Follow the details on our website in the section "Events".

In addition, the following specialized events are regularly held in Armenia:

JS Conf — the region's largest JavaScript conference for developers;

barcamp – Technological conference of Armenia for IT-specialists;

ML reading group — meetings dedicated to Machine Learning.

Local job aggregator platforms and company websites

In Armenia, of course, there are recruiting platforms. The most famous - was launched in 2016. Here you can find both job offers from large corporations and startups, as well as vacancies from small local employers.

Move2Armenia launched its platform Career (original name - JobHub), aimed at finding work in Armenia. You can read more about the features of Move2Armenia Career here. Main features of the platform: employers have two weeks to respond to a responsive applicant. At the same time, the employer regularly receives notifications about each response. If the applicant does not receive a response, the response will be lost. This stimulates the motivation to promptly respond to applicants so as not to lose potential professionals. In addition, the platform has Telegram channel, where new vacancies are published daily.

website (which you most likely associate with aimless and endless searches for apartments for rent and, perhaps, advertisements for the sale of meaningless junk) should also not be neglected. There is a corresponding section "Work" with vacancies. In it you can find the category "Looking for a job» and post your own resume. will be especially relevant for those who are looking for work in the service sector (nannies, cleaning, security, beauty salons, restaurants, etc.) and crafts (construction and repair, agriculture and livestock farming, manufacturing, etc. ). By the way, to our surprise, Senior Developer vacancies from large local IT companies were also found here. We talked about this site in detail in FAQ article.

To search for a job in the field of construction and repair, the application of a network of construction stores is suitable Ideal System.

There are two more local aggregators with vacancies in Armenia and

Familiar to Russians does not have its own representative office in Armenia, but if you specify Armenia as a location, then the vacancies of local employers will be displayed.

Do not write off clear and familiar services from life in Russia. For example, Wildberries, Yandex, Tinkoff and Many of them opened their representative offices in Armenia for the partial relocation of employees from Russia.

And although the search on the sites listed above cannot always guarantee the desired effect, it will give a result if you also use it as a tool for research. Analyze the main companies of Armenia in the area you are interested in, find contacts of those who make personnel decisions and send your resume with a cover letter addressed to you.

Study the vacancies section of the companies you are interested in, which is presented on their website, as well as social networks - it happens that current and urgent job offers appear only there. Ask your friends, for sure there will be someone who knows a person from the organization you are interested in. Arrange a meeting where you can find out not only the information you need about open vacancies, but also in general to understand whether employees are satisfied with the working conditions and whether the values of the employer coincide with your own.

Network with locals

Communicate and develop your network in a new country! To do this, it is not at all necessary to go to specialized events. You can start by adding these conversations to your daily routine. First, you should just talk about work with your Armenian friends. Perhaps they will tell you where you can apply your experience and find a reward that is worthy by local standards, or share valuable life hacks known only to locals. Start a conversation with your neighbors, talk to the barista at your favorite cafe or the saleswoman at the bakery. You've probably been asked more than once if you're an IT specialist, so next time just feel free to turn this conversation in a useful direction for yourself. And, who knows, what if your neighbor turns out to be the founder of a cool startup and right now needs a specialist like you. Don't be shy to talk and ask for help!

Job search publics in Armenia on Facebook and Telegram

Facebook is one of the most popular social networks in Armenia. Here, its capabilities are actively used, for example, for the announcement of events and for the publication of announcements of various genres. Job boards are no exception, some of them are extremely active and offer a wide variety of options for job seekers with a wide variety of experience.

Angry Designers Club

A narrowly specific public for designers. Initially, the group was created for mutual assistance and posting projects and portfolios with a request for feedback, but over time, they began to publish job offers for designers and illustrators, as well as posts from those who are looking for work.

I'm looking for a job, I'm offering a job // Ashxatanq (ԱՌԱՋԱՐԿՈՒՄ ԱՇԽԱՏԱՆՔ) Ashxatanq

Probably the most lively and active FB-public, where both vacancies and offers of their services are published daily. They are looking for specialists with the widest range of competencies: cashiers and security guards, philologists and designers, salespeople and doctors, etc. 

Freelancer: working from home // Freelancer: Ազատ գրաֆիկով աշխատանք համացանցի օգնությամբ:

Public with offers of remote work. Unfortunately, new announcements appear infrequently lately. But, nevertheless, you can try to study the already published proposals and check their relevance.

Jobs for Repats and Expats in Armenia

A public dedicated to vacancies specifically for visitors. It regularly publishes both job offers (a variety of vacancies and areas, from IT to architecture), as well as posts by people in which they talk about their professional experience and ask about relevant vacancies.

UX/UI Armenia

Job offers are not published here very often (although they exist), but all the news of the UX / UI industry are aggregated, including announcements of useful offline events.

Representation on Facebook of one of the Armenian recruiting platforms. Here they share current ads from the portal.

“Jobs in Armenia / Jobs in Armenia” 

Profile Telegram channel of David Tonoyan, founder of the public movement “For the Future of Armenia”, former director of the Armenian Museum in Moscow and co-chairman of the Association of Armenians of Russia.

The channel publishes current and, as a rule, highly paid vacancies in Armenia; there is some bias towards the IT sector.

“IT vacancies in Armenia”

In addition to job offers in Armenian companies, there are vacancies in other countries or work that can be done remotely. The largest and most famous channel on Telegram - 12,000+ subscribers.

Video Production Yerevan

profile chat for directors, cameramen, photographers, etc. Here, in addition to professional meetings and announcements of thematic events, vacancies from the field of production often appear.

"Work in Armenia"

Telegram chat for 5000+ people. Here you can find a job or an employee in a variety of fields, but there is no clear structure and subcategories, which makes it difficult to search. Posting ads is free for employers and job seekers.

Best Job in Armenia

The channel includes remote vacancies and vacancies in Armenia in large companies or interesting projects with a good salary.

Your Linkedin Presentation Strategy and the Importance of a Resume on Social Media

Write a post on those social networks where you have the largest network and where you regularly appear. Don’t think that all your subscribers are scattered around the world and will not be able to help you in your search. The main thing is to indicate your request and location, and who knows, maybe a former classmate will remember you when he comes across a cool job offer in Armenia in his feed.

Update your CV. Coaches advise slightly adapt the resume for a specific vacancy: in no case misrepresent, but highlight key skills, emphasize and reflect in more detail that experience that is most relevant to a particular vacancy. Enlist the support of previous employers, they are unlikely to refuse to drop a paragraph about your competencies and strengths.

It is sometimes better to send a resume not only “cold” through special forms or a personal account on a recruiting site, but personally to HR or to someone who makes key decisions in a company about hiring new employees. Feel free to draw attention to yourself!

Business correspondence in Armenia should be conducted in English, which is especially widely used in corporations and startup teams. In fact, don't be afraid of the language barrier. Unfortunately, there is no optimal recipe here. Some positions require fluency only in Russian, but, unfortunately, you will not be able to get a job in others without knowledge of Armenian. Don’t be afraid to clarify and ask again; most likely, they will be ready to meet you even on this issue.

LinkedIn popular (and not blocked) in Armenia, big players definitely have their pages there and use this service for recruiting. We advise update your Linkedin profile Or start from scratch if you don't have one yet. Upload your CV, preferably not only in Russian, but also in English. Collect as many business contacts as possible: these can be your former and current colleagues, as well as contacts from partner projects with whom you had work intersections. The more contacts you manage to collect, the greater the reach of your posts on this social network will be, which will increase the chance of a successful offer. Collecting contacts without filling out a profile does not make much sense: an empty profile does not work. So give due attention to both steps of your LinkedIn strategy.

Recommendation from Move2Armenia Brand Manager

When applying for a job in any industry, you will always have the advantage of having a resume and portfolio (if required) and a unique cover letter. If for some reason you don’t have a resume, you can use services with stylish templates and download a ready-made word/pdf file from there or get a link to the online version. For example, refer to, or

Local HR Tips

Siran Vanyan, IT recruiter Meettal

Regarding CV: A document in pdf format is preferable because it cannot be modified and it opens without problems in any OS. The CV must be in English. Firstly, in many Armenian companies English is the main language of communication. Secondly, your resume can go through not only people, but also through special search programs that are configured exclusively for the English language, and they simply do not consider Russian or Armenian characters. There is no sexism or ageism in the IT field, so having a photo on your resume is not important. But if you plan to work in the service industry, which involves communicating with clients, a photo may come in handy.

A completed LinkedIn profile is required, and it must be in English. I recommend being active on this platform, showing links to your other social networks, sharing accounts on GitHub, Medium and Behance. But don’t be surprised if you filled out everything, a month has passed, and no one has written to you. Passivity is not held in high esteem on LinkedIn; write to both recruiters and recruiting agencies yourself. Not only communicate via direct message, but don’t forget to leave comments.

About language. Despite the fact that they communicate in Armenian within companies, ignorance of the language is not critical. But English is necessary first of all, it is a priority here. Language courses in English and Armenian are listed in our catalog.

How not to do it. Many Russian experts do not say that Armenia is not the final destination. And most companies are looking for employees specifically for long-term cooperation. Be honest and let the potential employer know how long you plan to stay right away. Or get a job with outsourcing companies that have offices in many countries, and therefore your move will not be so critical.

Well, one last thing. Be sure to attend job fairs. Firstly, this is cool networking. Secondly, it’s a unique opportunity to meet in person and establish contact. Live communication provides the basis for a longer-term and stronger working relationship.

PS If you do not yet have experience in a field that is interesting for you, do not despair and first take a look at internships, which you can search for using all the same methods that are listed in this article.

Read about what to pay attention to when concluding an employment contract in Armenia in our next material. To avoid missing important updates, subscribe to Move2Armenia in social networks.

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Top 5 Ways to Find a Job in Armenia
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