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  • Monday

    09:00 - 18:00

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    09:00 - 18:00

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    09:00 - 18:00

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    09:00 - 18:00

  • Friday

    08:00 - 18:00

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  • Sunday


  • 27.07.2024 08:18 local time

Language of instruction
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Phone Number


In the school, designed for 700 students, education is carried out according to the general education program of primary, secondary and high schools (grades 1-12) with in-depth study of Russian and English.

Russian and English are studied in depth in elementary, as well as in middle and high schools, using advanced educational programs and relevant teaching materials. All textbooks are provided to students by the school. And modern technical equipment makes it possible to widely use innovative teaching methods in all classes.

In high school, starting from the 11th grade, a streaming organization of education is expected, based on the preferences of students. Education is planned to be carried out in the following three areas: physical and mathematical, humanitarian and natural sciences. A separate curriculum will be developed for each area.

Both in elementary school and in middle and high schools, when studying foreign languages, classes are divided into different levels, which makes the learning process more efficient. Starting from the secondary school, in the Armenian language classes, the classes are also divided into groups. Thus, language teaching is carried out in groups of 10-12 people.

Thus, classes for drawing, ceramics, robotics, programming, dance, art technology, and cooking are specially equipped.

The school has a canteen equipped with modern professional equipment. The work of the dining room is regulated in accordance with sanitary and epidemiological rules. Students in grades 1-6 receive three meals a day (hot breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea), and students in grades 7-12 receive a hot breakfast and lunch. Food is prepared taking into account the age needs of the body and is based on the principles of healthy eating.

The school has a doctor's office with the necessary first aid items. The school also has appropriate conditions for the psychological support of students. By diagnosing the cognitive processes and the emotional state of the child, psychologists act as a link between children, parents and teachers, and in cooperation with them help the child in adaptation and further identification of personal potential. The school also has a speech therapist, the need for which is especially great in elementary school.


55/25 Tsarav Aghbyur Street, Yerevan, Armenia

  • Robert Egiazarov
    18.03.2024 в 21:54

    Ideal conditions for receiving quality education

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